Based on art. 82, para. (6) of the Fiscal Code, any taxpayer, natural person, can direct 2% of the income tax, paid to the state, to whichever non-governmental organization wants.
Each of you can decide how some of the money we pay to the state will be used anyway.
If you want, by directing 3.5% of the tax you paid to the state for the previous year's salaries, to support the activity of the Adina Stiftelsen Foundation, download, complete and send, up to MAY 25 each year to the Financial Administration of which you belong FORM 230
If you collect more forms from colleagues or friends, our volunteers will pick them up and send them to you. Contact us at the phone number: 0749 153 016 or e-mail Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.