The right to education is a fundamental right. Investing in children, in young people, must be a priority for every community!
Choose to be one of those who support a long-term change in the future of poor children!
Why a monthly donation?
Continuity in the process of educating and training a child is essential. By financially ensuring the support we provide to our beneficiaries, we guarantee the quality of services as well as results.
how much can you donate?
It is your choice. For example:
✔ 50 lei per month contributes to the completion of the amount necessary for the payment of transport for the pupils and students of the Educational Program who study in Craiova but live-in rural areas.
✔ 35 lei per month covers the value of food received by a child who attends the Afterschool Program twice a week.
Why should you choose the Adina Stiftelsen Foundation?
We have 14 years of experience in developing educational programs in rural areas and we have so far supported 1442 direct or indirect beneficiaries.
How can you donate?
Through online banking to:
Adina Stiftelsen Foundation
CFI 16791068
Bank: ING Bank
IBAN for donations in RON: RO46 INGB 0000 9999 0604 0467
How do you know if the money is being used for your purpose?
You will receive an email twice a year with information about the activities carried out and how the money was spent. Also, at the end of May of each year, you will receive the Annual Report of the organization.
These issues are mentioned in the sponsorship contract that you can find here
Yes, you will sign a sponsorship contract!
Download, print, complete and sign the contract then contact us to determine how the original documents reach us, respectively how the copy signed by us returns to you.
For any additional details, do not hesitate to contact us at the phone number 0749153016 or by e-mail Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.