We facilitate access to education for children and young people from vulnerable families and thus help them break the vicious circle of poverty into becoming independent adults.
During studies or other forms of education and training, we support children and young people from Dolj county who continue their studies after graduating from the 8th grade.

The financial, material and moral support they receive consists of:
     granting a financial aid of 150 lei/per month in order to cover a part of the school expenses such as: purchase of supplies, courses/textbooks, work materials; coverage of transport costs or accommodation and meal costs (boarding school).
     Possibility of using the IT equipment in the organization’s office in order to create study materials, papers, portfolios, projects.
     Counseling and mentoring.

202 children and young people supported so far within this program.

We are here


0351 439 008 | 0749 153 016
0351 439 008 | 0749 153 016
Str. Romul, Bl.D, Ap.7
Craiovei street, No.60A, Leșile Village
Craiova, Dolj
Șimnicu de Sus, Dolj County

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